

A person shopping online for a nonprofit.

Getting Started with a Nonprofit Shopping Program

As a nonprofit organization dedicated to fulfilling your mission, sometimes your budget can be tight. Fundraisers are a necessary component of your nonprofit’s operations, but even the most active nonprofits will likely have lulls in their calendar as their fundraising team prepares for their next campaign. Fortunately, your nonprofit can still earn supporter contributions during

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A person passing money during a handshake.

5 Things to Know When Working With Corporate Giving

Corporate giving and corporate philanthropy have become buzzwords in the nonprofit fundraising space, and for good reason. When nonprofits take the time to foster corporate partnerships, these relationships have the potential to become long-lasting, mutually beneficial arrangements between the nonprofit and for-profit world.  As a nonprofit fundraising professional, you might be part of the push

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Tips for getting unrestricted gifts.

Getting Unrestricted Gifts: 3 Tips for a Better Ask

Grants and major gifts enable your nonprofit to make huge strides in fulfilling your mission. However, in addition to program initiatives, your nonprofit also needs operational funding to keep its own doors open.  Expenses such as employee salaries and office rent fall under the category of overhead costs, or general operating expenses. While funding for

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Businessman holding a glowing tree of people.

How to Find the Best CRM for Your Organization

As your organization grows, having a data management system that can keep up is no longer optional — it’s necessary to keep you in business. Nonprofits must organize supporter data to boost efficiency and improve fundraising efforts. These tasks are challenging and time-consuming without a dedicated system, even for the most productive fundraising teams. It’s

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A group of people sitting around a table.

5 Fund Accounting Benefits Proven to Increase Your Nonprofit’s Success

Nonprofit accounting is a unique beast to tackle. Unlike profit-minded businesses, nonprofits focus on obtaining the funds they need to further their mission. For organizations like yours, making money takes a backseat to making a difference in the world. However, that doesn’t mean money isn’t important for nonprofits. Without funding, it’s impossible to work towards

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A keyboard with the word aca on it.

How The Affordable Care Act Affects Non Profit And Government Employers

It’s the question that has been repeated by nearly every one of Zobrio’s accounting support clients – “How does the Affordable Care Act (ACA) affect my office?†If we had to guess, you’re probably wondering the same thing. While the short answer to that question is “it depends†what is definitely going to affect everyone

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A man and child looking at an old computer.

The Fund Accounting Software Waiting Game

Replacing your office’s fund accounting software is easier said than done. After all, there’s quite a bit of information flowing through that old software everyone’s been working on for the past 20 years. But these days, with compatibility continuing to deteriorate, maintenance costs going up and everyone having to tiptoe their way through a dated

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